Political Security Equations in South Asia and their Effects on Iran`s National Security

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Isfahan

2 Ph.D. Student of Political Science, University of Isfahan


South Asia is one of the most critical and less secure parts of the world. This region is inherited conflicts of Britain`s colonialism and entered a security condition with two poles: India and Pakistan. Kashmir crisis as one of the most critical crises of the world in more than fifty years, has prevented India and Pakistan from reaching a useful agreement and forced them to find aliens among countries of the region and out of it. India leans toward the U.S. and Pakistan leans toward China. These countries have made a bipolar situation in south Asia. Other countries of the region are divided into these two groups. As we know the security issues of south Asia are related to all countries. Here Burry Buzan`s Security Complex Theory and Power Balance of Morgenthau are used to analyze this bipolar power situation in south Asia. So in this article we try to answer these questions: “How are Political-security conditions in south Asia formed?” and “How can this effects Iran`s national security?” We hypothesize that the political security conditions in south Asia is formed around the balance of power and it affects Iran’s national security. The balance of power in south Asia can increase the power of Iran as a balance maker power in this region and provide Iran`s security interests.
