Comparing Foreign Policy of Moderate government with that of the Principlist government

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Strategic Studies- Ayatollah Boroujerdi University


At the beginning of the ninth and tenth Iranian governments, the country adopted an aggressive discourse against the international community and the interests of great powers of the world. During this period of time, the main goal of Iran’s foreign policy was changing the international system on the basis of  a justice-oriented approach. Realization of revolutionary ideals and changing the world`s management system was considered as the short -term objective of Iranian foreign policy. Thus, in the Principelist government, Iran`s foreign policy moved towards radicalism. In Iran's "Moderate" government, realization of revolutionary ideals is considered as the long term-aims. On the contrary, security and economic welfare became the short-term objectives of Iran’s foreign policy. Therefore, accepting the status quo relatively, practicing détente policy and renewing relationships with the great powers considered as the main priorities of the moderate government. The main question of this article is that: “How can this instability in the priorities of Iranian foreign policy be decribed?” The assumption of this research is that Iranian foreign policy approaches in the Principelist and moderate governments are affected by different domestic and international normative structures. On this basis, the impacts of domestic and international normative structures on shaping Iranian foreign policy in the both Principelist and Moderate governments have been investigated  
