The Characteristics of a Young Revolutionist Believer Student in Supreme Leader`s view

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Hadith and Quran Sciences, Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture


The Supreme Leader of Iran has used the term “young revolutionist believer” many times in his speeches in recent decade and he tried to explain the characteristics of an ideal young person in Islamic Republic of Iran. The aim of this article is to show the features of a young revolutionist believer student, So we tried to qualitatively analyze the content of Supreme Leader`s speech. First of all we found and classified the features of a young revolutionist believer student then we tried to define its feature`s on the basic, qualitative and aspectual levels based on Islamic criteria-graphy. The main question of this article is “What are the features of a young revolutionist believer student?” To answer this question we found 42 features for a young revolutionist believer student that can be used in personal, social, and managerial planning and policy making.
