the crisis of establishing a government in Iraq from the jurists of Najaf viewpoints (from Mirza Muhammad Taqi Shiraz to Seyyed Mohammad Sadr )

Document Type : Research Paper


Researcher and faculty member Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, Ghom, Iran


The question of the study is what idea did the scholars of Najaf have about the crisis of the Sunni Arab sectarian government in Iraq? The hypothesis is that it seems hat many scholars of Najaf and Karbala were not influenced by the tradition that Sheikh Morteza Ansari had built in the idea of Shia government. Following what he had said, they considered the verbal proofs of the authority of the jurist to be incomplete and they were more concerned with the jurisprudence's supervision over the possessions of others. Nevertheless, from the period of Mirza Mohammad Taqi Shirazi's rule, the idea of establishing a government became fruitful and he tried to establish a local government in the cities that were free from the invaders in the 10th Revolution, which in some of his letters was interpreted as an Islamic government. Although this revolution failed, his idea remained and in the following decades, some other Iraqi scholars sought to establish a government, the most important of them was Seyyed Mohammad Baqir Sadr. Sadr, who had more serious thoughts than Shirazi, expressed important opinions about the Islamic government and he serious influenced the fate of the Iraqi opposition. With Sadr's martyrdom in 1980, the idea of establishing a government in Najaf practically went into coma and it was only a decade later that his student, Seyyed Mohammad Sadr, started the project of public jurists. Although he did not publicly seek to establish such a government, Saddam and especially the forces of the Western coalition considered him a threat and finally martyred him in 1999.


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