The challenges of globalization and virtual space on the political issues of ethnicity in the Islamic Republic of Iran (with a focus on the issues of ethnicity in West Azerbaijan)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Doctoral student of Political Science majoring in Political Sociology, Bagheral Uloom (AS) University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 Full professor and faculty member of Bagheral Uloom University of Qom, Qom, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Farhangian University of Urmia, Urmia, Iran


This research seeks to find out whether globalization and the virtual network strengthen ethnic political movements, cultural and identity crises in Iran (the target society of West Azarbaijan province) or whether it is due to cultural assimilation. At the global level, will conflicts, local and political ethnic identities decrease? The present article is descriptive and analytical in terms of its practical purpose and method. The hypothesis of the article is that “globalization and the emergence of the network space has accelerated the process of politicization of identity, ethnicity and the emergence of cultural challenges for the cultural and value system of societies”. It has also caused all relationships to be separated from their social and spatial context, and the experience of the compression of space and time has caused the phenomenological shrinking of the world. The formation of a networked global society has weakened, eroded and collapsed any boundaries such as geography, politics and culture, so that it has prevented the traditional connection between the individual and the society and it has made traditional and local identification difficult in the global realm.


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